Mary Brubacher
Louise Cadrin
Cancer Society
Becky Canham
Cathy Kyle
Pat Lyon
Dr. S. MacMillan
Dr. D. Millar
Joan Morris
Dr. L. Nilson
Colette Pelletier
Joyce Raczynski
Dr. S. Rayson
Lee Tennyson

“The Creativity for Health Program, developed and directed by artist Bonnie Chapman, is an important outlet for both patients and health-care providers. The meditative process of art helps patients make meaning of their experiences.

Health care providers can learn as much about the stress and sorrow they encounter in their work by exploring it through the arts as they can through scientific studies.

As a facilitator in the Regina 80/20 Patient-Centered Care Project from 2006 to 2008 I saw firsthand the value of Bonnie’s program. The nurses involved in the project explored the values and principles of patient-centered care through various artistic endeavors and I saw how active participation in the arts stimulated their thinking leading to moments of clarity about the phenomenon under study. The artwork also helped them to express compassion for their patients’ experiences and recognize the value of patient-centered care.”

Pat Lyon RN, MSc, Patient-Centered Care Consultant
Toronto, ON